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AI in Clinical Trials: Key to Accelerated Timelines & Reduced Costs

AI in Clinical Trials: Key to Accelerated Timelines & Reduced Costs


The implementation of AI in clinical trials is not only reducing the cost; it has its impact on many other areas of clinical trials as well.
Editor: Raghu singh Last Updated: 19-Aug-2024

Bringing innovative therapies to patients is a complex and time-consuming process. However, Clinical trials are getting notoriously more time-consuming and costly. But AI in clinical trials changing the game, offering a promising solution to these age-old clinical trial challenges.

A recent study by Nature Digital Medicine revealed that AI-powered patient recruitment can slash clinical trial costs by 70% and expedite timelines by up to 40%. Beyond recruitment, AI transforms clinical data management, driving faster trial completion and quicker access to life-changing therapies.

Key Benefits:

Streamlined Data Management: AI automates data analysis, reducing errors and delays.

Faster Study Setup: Tasks like protocol writing and demographic identification are completed quickly.

Predictive Analytics: AI predicts potential issues, helping to prevent delays.

Efficient Medical Coding: AI algorithms handle coding in minutes, boosting efficiency.

Remote Source Data Verification (rSDV): AI enables CRAs to verify data remotely, cutting down site visits.

Real World Data (RWD) Harmonization: AI automates data cleaning and analysis, making large datasets manageable.


Clinion’s AI-enabled eClinical platform ensures faster, more accurate, and more affordable trials, bringing life-saving treatments to patients quicker.

Source: AI in Clinical Trials: Key to Accelerated Timelines & Reduced Costs