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How Artificial Intelligence Improves Disease Modeling

How Artificial Intelligence Improves Disease Modeling


Disease modeling involves creating representative systems that mimic the behavior and progression of infectious and noninfectious diseases in a controlled environment. AI’s comprehensive role in this process includes aiding in data processing, simulation and result interpretation. Even if only a handful of teams adopt it, their ability to process and generate results will accelerate progression throughout the field.
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Editor: Zac Amos Last Updated: 11-Sep-2024

Artificial intelligence’s role in disease modeling could be transformative. Its ability to analyze massive datasets rapidly, uncover hidden trends and forecast likely outcomes could accelerate progression in the pharmaceutical industry. How can research teams use this technology to enhance, refine or reimagine their existing processes?

How Does AI Fit Into Disease Modeling?

Disease modeling involves creating representative systems that mimic the behavior and progression of infectious and noninfectious diseases in a controlled environment. Research teams use mathematical, computational and statistical models as quantitative tools to understand, analyze and forecast diseases better.

The goal of disease modeling is to treat and eradicate diseases more effectively. Researchers typically aim to inform public health practices, assess the spread risk or learn the origin of whatever they study. AI’s role in this process is relatively comprehensive — it fits into data processing, simulation and result interpretation.

How AI Resolves Biomedical Research Pain Points

Traditional disease modeling is complex and time-consuming. Professionals with extensive experience must use specialized, resource-intensive mathematical, computational and statistical software for analysis and forecasting. Even if their research shows potential, systemic obstacles prevent them from informing public health practices or progressing treatment methods.

Validated in vitro studies may produce promising results, but most don’t make it through the pipeline’s later stages. While disease modeling’s role in drug development cannot be understated, 90% of drug candidates fail clinical trials. A lack of efficacy, poor drug-like properties and the absence of commercial need are some of the main drivers of failure. 

In a world where realistic simulations, rapid insight generation and personalized medicine are standard, those pain points would all but vanish. AI’s automation capabilities and unparalleled processing speed could make that possibility a reality. Researchers could use it to enhance disease models and inform clinical trials, improving biomedical research.

Moreover, unlike traditional modeling software, a machine learning tool evolves as it absorbs new information. As new infectious diseases emerge, researchers can continue simulating, analyzing and forecasting without overhauling their methods or starting from square one. This technology is effectively future-proof.

How AI Can Improve Infectious Disease Modeling 

Versatility is among the chief benefits of leveraging AI for disease modeling. It is just as useful in industry as in academia, prompting widespread progression in biomedical research. Unlike other conventional tools, it is intuitive and relatively cost-effective. Students can seamlessly transition from experimenting with it in the classroom to using it in a laboratory.

AI outperforms conventional modeling software in many respects. For example, unlike traditional programming tools, its performance positively correlates with its size — the larger the model, the more efficient and accurate its output. If research teams are hesitant to renounce their existing toolsets, they can simply refine their current setup with integrations.

One ability unique to AI is synthetic data creation. It can produce realistic, artificial datasets to accelerate research. When integrated into modeling software, it can even generate lifelike simulations or representations of an infectious disease within a population.

If teams need to tweak their pre-defined parameters, there’s no need to navigate through countless options or parse through complex code. Instead, they can use generative AI’s natural language processing capabilities. Instruct models intuitively recognize and respond to text-based input, enabling them to generate or adjust configurations with ease.

This technology can even increase drug candidates’ clinical trial success rates. For example, AI-powered predictive analytics can identify pre-symptomatic signs of clinical deterioration, meaningfully improving patient outcomes and enhancing survivability. The ability to detect hidden patterns and forecast likely results is undeniably powerful.

Since this technology can rapidly process, generate, analyze and visualize data, researchers can account for edge cases to understand the underlying mechanisms of diseases and ultimately increase treatment efficacy. Its unparalleled data processing capabilities make a genuinely realistic representative system possible.

Could AI Democratize Infectious Disease Modeling?

Like most pharmaceutical fields, biomedical research is inefficiently opaque and prone to disparate data repositories. AI could transform it, facilitating open science and democratizing infectious disease modeling. Since these algorithms can rapidly collect and analyze data, they can parse all relevant information.

Research shows this technology can enhance the usability and accessibility of simulation frameworks by automating file construction, simulation execution and output interpretation. If it is trained on industry-leading expertise and up-to-date best practices, its performance will be even better. Even if only a handful of teams adopt it, their ability to process and generate results will accelerate progression throughout the field.

The pharmaceutical industry is generally concerned about generalizability across various populations. Incorporating AI may be so transformative that it necessitates the reconfiguration of modeling and clinical processes. However, research shows it can improve productivity, promote equity and increase diagnostic accuracy.

The Implications of Incorporating AI Into Processes

AI could empower researchers to develop, refine and transform disease models. Regardless of how extensively students, professionals and companies leverage it, its impact will be widespread and significant. In time, research may prove it enhances infectious disease modeling, ultimately improving understanding and patient outcomes.