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Pharmaceutical Safety: The Role of Life Sciences Research in Cold Chain Logistics Management Solutions


The supply chain requires transporting cold goods, such as meat and dairy. What about medical products? Vaccines, insulin, and other medications require cold chain logistics. Industry professionals must use unique tactics to protect the integrity of your goods. Here’s why cold chain logistics is important in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Author Name: Beth Rush
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Editor: PharmiWeb Editor Last Updated: 18-Feb-2025

The supply chain requires transporting cold goods, such as meat and dairy. What about medical products? Vaccines, insulin, and other medications require cold chain logistics. Industry professionals must use unique tactics to protect the integrity of your goods. Here’s why cold chain logistics is important in the pharmaceutical industry.

What Is Cold Chain Logistics?

Shipping companies use cold chain logistics to transport temperature-sensitive items, using refrigeration to reduce the risk of perishing. While food products come to mind, medical products also need this shipping strategy. Therefore, experts say cold chain logistics has a $316 billion market size and will grow more by the decade’s end.1

There are a few subcategories within cold chain logistics, such as active and passive. Active systems use thermostatic controls to maintain the same temperature for the entire trip. Conversely, a passive cold chain doesn’t require external power. Instead, it uses insulated containers to remain at a specific coldness.

The pharmaceutical industry is likelier to use active cold chains to increase stability. Numerous medical products must remain in temperature-controlled climates — otherwise, they could lose efficacy. Vaccines are a prominent example, including your annual flu shot. The CDC says to store the vaccine and diluent between 36 and 46 degrees Fahrenheit.2 

Why Is Cold Chain Logistics Important in the Pharmaceutical Industry?

The world depends on safe transit for vaccines, blood samples, and other products. Therefore, cold chain logistics and the pharmaceutical industry have become intertwined. Here are five ways that life science research connects to cold chain logistics.

1. Patient Safety

The significance of cold chain logistics and pharmaceuticals starts with patient safety. Keeping medical products at their required temperature retains efficacy and protects against adverse results. If vaccines or biologics fall outside the range of temperature needed, they could lose their potency and create more problems.

One example is the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV). Like influenza vaccines, this medical product must remain between 36 and 46 degrees Fahrenheit and away from light.3 If kept at an improper temperature, the active components could degrade. Therefore, you increase your disease risk and require more resources for another vaccine.

2. Public Health

Cold chain logistics matter to your health needs and public health overall. This supply chain sector becomes even more essential when outbreaks occur. With an effective cold chain response, rapidly distributing vaccines and medications to affected areas is more manageable. Efficient transport can control the spread of a virus and save lives.

While scientists have developed cures, outbreaks can still happen. The spreading of measles since 2023 has alarmed experts, necessitating an effective vaccine response. Cold chain logistics is essential when sending pharmaceutical supplies to Texas, Georgia, and other epicenters. Warmer locations require more careful planning due to the hotter temperatures.

3. Regulation Compliance

Keeping vaccines and blood samples at the proper temperature isn’t just good science — it’s the law. Cold chain logistics helps pharmaceutical companies and shipping professionals comply with national and international regulations. In the U.S. and Europe, you must follow good distribution practices (GDP) to ensure quality during transportation and distribution.

The medical field has become more involved regarding the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) standards. These regulations outline how your company should approach quality control for medications and other products. Some chapters focus more on storage and transportation, such as 1079.1. This section addresses how you should transport investigational drug products.4

4. Reducing Waste

If pharmaceutical products go to waste, there are significant ramifications. First, consider it from a resource perspective. Manufacturers expend time and money to produce vaccines and ship them worldwide. For example, the federal government spent about $31.9 billion on mRNA COVID-19 vaccine grants and contracts.5

The supply chain's environmental impact is another vital consideration with imports and exports. If your cold chain logistics are inefficient, you consume more energy and increase emissions. You should also avoid pharmaceutical waste in landfills, as experts say these products can pollute the soil and cause drug resistance in microorganisms.6

5. Advancements in Packaging Technologies

Shipping pharmaceuticals across state and international borders requires quality packaging. Life science research develops this technology to maintain temperature and product integrity. A small contribution is the phase change materials (PCM) that absorb heat to protect the medical products. From gel packs to PCM bricks, these substances are necessary for cold chain logistics.

Life science studies have demonstrated which materials are best for cold chain logistics. Logistics professionals typically choose organic, inorganic, or composite PCMs. A 2022 Journal of Molecular Liquids study found inorganic and composite have superior heat-transfer performance, making them more suitable for shipping.7

What Technologies Boost Pharmaceutical Safety in the Cold Supply Chain?

Technological advancements have enabled modern medical products to travel farther and wider. What innovations have helped cold chain logistics and life science researchers the most? Here are five examples.

1. IoT Sensors

Internet of Things (IoT) sensors demonstrate why cold chain logistics is important in the pharmaceutical industry. These technologies provide real-time monitoring, sending the data to a centralized location. Then, shipping professionals can monitor temperature, light exposure, and other critical metrics. With these capabilities, medical products can stay safer when traveling.

IoT-enabled monitoring systems have become more capable in cold chain logistics, though research has advanced them further. A 2022 IEEE report equipped a cold storage container with light intensity sensors and a gas level monitor. The latter is essential because it detects methane and smoke and can set off alarms.8

2. Telematics

Telematics is integral to shipping and logistics because it tracks vehicles and driver behavior. This IoT-enabled device also helps companies transport temperature-sensitive materials. Telematics technology enhances cold chain visibility by tracking locations and finding optimal shipping routes. It also generates reports necessary for regulatory compliance.

Telematics affects other areas of medicine, allowing clinical data transfer and patient transport.9 In pharmaceutical shipping, temperature control is one of the most critical roles. With telematics, you get continuous temperature monitoring and adjustments if necessary. These devices also boost security through geofencing capabilities and location tracking.

3. Data Analytics

Data analytics is essential for optimizing the pharmaceutical supply chain. It improves inventory management and quality control and increases visibility, allowing you to track shipments and ensure medical products arrive safely. Logistics professionals also use these analytics for risk management, as historical data can reveal disruptions with natural disasters or suppliers.

These advanced technologies increase the accuracy of cold chain logistics, making it more sustainable. A 2023 Computers and Industrial Engineering study found that data analytics aids explicit demand predictions and allocation plans. The researchers said data-backed methods reduce storage costs and backlog by reaching downstream in the supply chain.10

“Manufacturers/servers can save transportation costs and fulfill orders within a time window through the IoT-enabled route optimization and cooperative production-delivery plan,” the researchers said.10

4. Artificial Intelligence

Improving efficiency is critical to delivering pharmaceuticals on time. Minutes matter when preserving vaccines and providing supplies to necessary areas. Artificial intelligence (AI) is another optimization opportunity for pharmaceutical professionals in the lab or during transit. A 2023 SAE study found AI technology reduces transportation costs, material usage, and human labor.11

Within AI, robotics and crewless aircraft have emerged as critical to the cold supply chain. Researchers have developed drones to reach people in remote locations. Despite the distance, drones and robots maintain efficiency for couriers by reducing costs and delivering quickly. Therefore, these technologies are essential when delivering vaccines and other supplies to rural areas.12 

5. Blockchain

Blockchain has experienced significant growth in healthcare, cybersecurity, and other industries. Experts say its market value could reach $1.3 trillion by 2033, marking its place in the global economy.13 Implementing blockchain technologies in the cold supply chain boosts traceability through its tamper-proof ledger and accessible real-time information.

Blockchain presents new opportunities for the cold supply chain and prospects of troubleshooting issues. A 2022 Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing study found blockchain technologies assist the blood cold chain through heightened security and information transparency. This concept also introduces smart contracts, IoT gadgets, and other helpful devices.14

The Future of Cold Chain Logistics and Pharmaceutical Shipments

Research and technology have advanced cold chain logistics to make pharmaceuticals safer. Through process improvements and innovations, shipping professionals can deliver vaccines and other essential medical products on time. However, continuous innovation is necessary to meet demand and tackle health problems worldwide. What’s next for the cold chain?

The healthcare ecosystem is rapidly evolving, though it faces challenges. For example, the Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) says investment infrastructure is necessary to ensure the safety of lifesaving medications.15 Cold chain logistics professionals could benefit from more efficient transportation networks, streamlined communication channels and stable power grids.

Smart technology is another expectation for cold chain logistics and pharmaceuticals. These gadgets are more autonomous and can handle issues without human intervention. Smart devices are prominent around the cold chain, as a 2022 Sustainability study found shipping professionals are prioritizing automatic ships and smart HR technologies.16

Using Life Science Research for Cold Chain Logistics

Temperature-sensitive vaccines and food demonstrate why cold chain logistics is important in the pharmaceutical industry. Life science research is inseparable from this shipping sector, guiding optimal conditions for shipping containers. IoT sensors, blockchain technology, and other innovations have made global outbreaks and waste reduction more manageable.


  1. Grand View Research. Cold Chain Market Size.
  2. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Healthcare Providers: RSV Vaccination for Adults 60 Years of Age and Over.
  3. Iowa HHS. Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program  Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Use in Children.
  4. USP-NF/PF. Storage and Transportation of Investigational Drug Products.
  5. Lalani H, et al. US public investment in development of mRNA covid-19 vaccines: retrospective cohort study. BMJ. 2023;380:e073747. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-073747
  6. Han J, He S, Lichtfouse E. Waves of pharmaceutical waste. Environ Chem Lett. 2023;21(3):1251-1255. doi: 10.1007/s10311-022-01491-0
  7. Zhao L, et al. A review of the innovative application of phase change materials to cold-chain logistics for agricultural product storage. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2022;365:120088.
  8. Sarkar S, et al. IoT Enabled Cold Supply Chain Monitoring System. 2022 IEEE 3rd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT). 2022:1-6. doi: 10.1109/GCAT55367.2022.9972137
  9. Gawinski L, Burzynska M, Kamecka K, Kozlowski R. Practical Aspects of the Use of Telematic Systems in the Diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Poland. Medicina (Kaunas). 2022;58(4):554. doi: 10.3390/medicina58040554
  10. Liu L, Song W, Liu Y. Leveraging digital capabilities toward a circular economy: Reinforcing sustainable supply chain management with Industry 4.0 technologies. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2023:109113.
  11. Liu S, Zhou Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Z. An Overview of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Food Cold Chain Transportation. RSAE ‘23: Proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Robotics Systems and Automation Engineering. 2023:34-40.
  12. ExpressIt. Courier and Delivery Trends for 2024.
  13. Spherical Insights. Global Blockchain Technology Market Size.
  14. Asokan D, Sunny J, Madhusudanan Pillai V, Nath H. Blockchain technology: a troubleshooter for blood cold chains. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing. 2022;16(3):316-344.
  15. Health Distribution Alliance. The Future of U.S. Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Distribution.

Ahn Y, Kim T, Kim B, Lee M. A Study on the Development Priority of Smart Shipping Items—Focusing on the Expert Survey. Sustainability. 2022;14(11):6892.