1st International Conference “WE! are the Clinical Research”

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- Organiser: Kozminski University
- Name: Kozminski University
- Email: kpienczuk@kozminski.edu.pl
We invite you to participate in the 1st International Conference "WE! are the Clinical Research" organized by the Kozminski University.
In order to meet modern solutions, while maintaining all the prevailing restrictions - we will conduct it in a hybrid system! Within the walls of the Academy, we will host the maximum number of participants, and the rest will be invited to participate online, supported by the use of software for organizing events in such a formula. Thanks to this, anyone interested in the topics we raise will be able to listen to them in the form they prefer and are possible -from anywhere on Earth.
We focus on innovation, modern technologies, and modern methods of work and management. These are the topics that we will focus on during the first conference organized by us. 2020 has shown in a special way that we still have a lot of room for action and development. We have to boldly reach for tools and methods that we have not been sure of so far, and the guests invited by us will prove that we do not need to be afraid of them. Speakers representing international companies and organizations will present solutions already implemented and share their practical experiences.
It will be a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences, as well as present and discuss solutions with an international audience.You cannot miss it!