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HCA announces new board to execute exciting vision

[July 1st 2020] The Healthcare Communications Association (HCA) has announced its new board structure and board members as it looks to achieve its vision of becoming the leading professional association uniting and championing all those in healthcare communications.


“Firstly, we wholeheartedly thank everybody from our existing executive committee who has contributed so much, some over many years, to get the HCA to where it is today.” Said Mike Dixon, CEO and continued: “Although some now step down from their executive positions, we still look forward to their active participation and continued valuable input to all our work.”


In announcing the new board members, Alice Choi, HCA Board Chair explained “As we looked at our fresh and ambitious plan for the future of the organisation, we needed to ensure our structure adapted to help us fulfil our exciting vision.  We have been delighted by the wealth of interest shown by the membership to volunteer their time and experience and support the HCA in moving the organisation, and its work, forward.  We are pleased to now be able to announce the industry leaders who, as board members, will chair our key committees.” 


Board Chair: Alice Choi, Chief Operating Officer, McCann Health Medical Communications


Board Members and Committee Chairs:

Emma Kenny, Partner and Operations Director, Axon Communications – Professional Development Committee

Edel McCaffrey, Independent Communications Consultant – Member Engagement Committee

Annabelle Sandeman, Global Head of Commercial Strategy, Huntsworth – Nominations Committee

Alister Sansum, Director, Scientific & Medical Communications, Publicis Health – Standards and Best Practice Committee

Jo Taylor, Director of Cello Health Communications, Europe – Foresight Committee


Annabelle Sandeman, chair of the Nominations Committee adds: “We are also very grateful to the many other experienced and talented members who have already volunteered to work as part of these new committees. The nominations committee welcomes any other members who wish to step forward and get involved in our work with the sector in helping shape healthcare communications now, and for the future.”


Mike Dixon continues as CEO to lead the day-to-day work of the organisation alongside Central Co-ordinator, Romilly Cook.  Neil Crump, Co Founder & Owner, Aurora moves to a Non-Exec position as Governance Lead.

 About the Healthcare Communications Association (HCA):

The HCA is a not-for-profit organisation, with membership comprising in-house teams, agencies, third sector and individuals working in national and global healthcare communications across diverse business sectors.

Our mission is to proactively represent and support those involved in global, regional and national healthcare communications by:

1.            Driving best practice and quality standards

2.            Providing education and professional development support

3.            Offering networking and mentoring opportunities

4.            Co-ordinating business intelligence opportunities and sharing knowledge


Editor Details

  • Company:
    • The Healthcare Communications Association (HCA)
  • Name:
    • The Healthcare Communications Association (HCA)
Last Updated: 01-Jul-2020