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Innovation Sprint boosts the AI portfolio of Healthentia for clinical research and eHealth with new R&D projects

Brussels, 12th February 2021 

Innovation Sprint is boosting its AI portfolio for Healthentia with new R&D projects and activities. Healthentia, is a commercial eClinical solution for Decentralized Clinical Trials that collects Real World Data (RWD) from IoT devices and smartphones in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) mode, thus extending the use of traditional electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO)/ electronic Clinical Outcomes Assessment (eCOA) applications, offering –among other features- eConsent, online chatting, tele-consultation and virtual coaching. 

Besides the commercial solution, Healthentia is involved in various observational studies and R&D activities that leverage on the RWD processing, which allows the activation of smart services for the prediction of clinical outcomes, the generation of prevention alarms and the linking of phenotypes with intervention efficacy. This is achieved by adding lifestyle, behavioral and health-related data collected from smartphones and Internet of Things (IoT) devices and applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques on these data, to discover behavioral biomarkers and cluster patients into behavioral phenotypes. Furthermore, based on reported outcomes, the Healthentia AI module is able to generate automatic alerts in the case of Adverse Events (AE).   

The R&D projects of Innovation Sprint that started in 2021 are funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission: 

TERMINET provides a novel next-generation reference architecture based on cutting-edge technologies, while introducing new, intelligent IoT devices for low-latency, market-oriented use cases. It brings decisions to the point of interest, targeting at applying distributed AI at the edge by using accelerated hardware and sophisticated software to support local AI model training using federated learning. Innovation Sprint’s role is to employ Healthentia in a healthcare use case for TERMINET technology together with Gemelli hospital in Rome. 

PHYSICS aims at delivering a complete vertical solution that will enable Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) to offer advanced cloud application design environments to their main end customers, platform-level functionalities to be easily incorporated by providers, and provider-local resource management mechanisms. Innovation Sprint’s role is to enable the use of PHYSICS tools for the application design, deployment, and operation of the Healthentia ML module. 

iHELP delivers a novel personalised-healthcare framework by enabling the collection, integration, and management of health-related data from various sources and analysing the data using advance AI techniques to draw adaptive learning models that are used to provide decision support in the form of early risk predictions as well as personalised prevention & intervention measures. Innovation Sprint’s role is to use Healthentia on all five clinical pilots of iHELP, enriching its patient-generated data collection capabilities and implementing its new recommendation delivery mechanisms. 

RE-SAMPLE provides shared-decision making for tailored Complex Chronic Conditions (CCC) disease management, crossing care paths towards daily life, and early proper treatment to prevent CCC disease progression. Innovation Sprint’s role is to employ Healthentia in the project, enhancing its data collection capabilities and adding new features for recommendation delivery, healthcare professionals’ overview, and communication for shared-care facility. 

Through these R&D projects, Innovation Sprint aims to strengthen the innovation of Healthentia by using best-of-breed of Internet, Cloud, and AI technologies, thus pushing the boundaries of clinical research and eHealth. 

Further to these projects, Innovation Sprint is preparing a study that will run in 3 countries, aiming to demonstrate the efficacy of Healthentia as a Medical Device for COPD patients, utilizing its AI capabilities and virtual coaching. 


Innovation Sprint is a Brussels-based startup with products and innovation activities in the area of clinical research and eHealth. Healthentia is the flagship product of Innovation Sprint; a Class I Medical Device, serving clinical research and eHealth purposes. 

Innovation Sprint boosts the AI portfolio of Healthentia for clinical research and eHealth with new R&D projects

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Last Updated: 12-Feb-2021