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Medicines Australia welcomes Day 1 of Australia’s vaccination rollout

Today marks a landmark occasion that signifies the extraordinary work and partnership between industry, the Government, the scientific community, and all stakeholders across the healthcare ecosystem in our fight against Covid and to bring much-needed vaccines to Australians.

Under the Australian Vaccination Strategy the COVID-19 Vaccine rollout begins with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, and will include the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine from March 2021.

The plan today starts with 60,000 Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine doses to be administered to priority populations.

Medicines Australia supports the Government’s approach to ensure Australians living and working in aged care and disability care, and quarantine, border and frontline health workers, will receive the COVID-19 vaccine first.

We also want to echo the Government’s position that every Australian will be given the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, free and voluntarily.

To find out the phase in which you’ll be able to access vaccines answer a few questions via the recently launched eligibility checker at

For the most reliable source of pandemic and vaccine related information, please refer to the Department’s website

For further information, please contact

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Last Updated: 22-Feb-2021