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NHS Business Services Authority achieves top award for staff wellbeing

NHS Business Services Authority achieves top award for staff wellbeing

NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has gained a top Ambassador Status award for its wellbeing programme.

The Better Health at Work Awards recognise the efforts of employers in the North East and Cumbria in addressing health issues within the workplace.

It takes up to a year to achieve the five levels of the award – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Continuing Excellence and Maintaining Excellence.

Ambassador Status was created to recognise those employers who demonstrate both long-term commitment and outstanding practice around workplace health and wellbeing, not only achieving but consistently going above and beyond at every stage of assessment. The status involves being a public ambassador for the award and mentoring other employers.

Michael Brodie, Chief Executive at NHSBSA said: “We first began our journey when we achieved the Bronze Award in 2013. Since then, we have been improving employee wellbeing year-on-year to such an extent that when COVID-19 hit, we had already laid a great foundation. The wellbeing of our employees is of key importance to us and we have worked hard to help our workforce through this difficult time. It has enabled them to carry out their essential roles; and support the NHS frontline.”

NHSBSA has managed to deliver robust high-level campaigns despite the challenges of remote working, a global pandemic and national lockdowns.

Susanne Nichol, Better Health at Work Award Programme Coordinator, added: “Workplace and worker health and wellbeing has never been more important than it is now. NHSBSA has acknowledged and embraced this concept wholeheartedly, producing an outstanding ‘Maintaining Excellence’ submission amidst very difficult circumstances. 

“Despite a hugely challenging year for the organisation and all staff they even managed to improve the quality of their health and wellbeing activity. There is clearly no complacency within the NHSBSA on this agenda and there definitely seems to have been increased consolidation around their commitment to staff as a fundamental organisational asset. NHSBSA is very deserving recipients of the Better Health at Work Awards Ambassador Status.”

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Last Updated: 05-Mar-2021