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New Sanofi Pasteur Australia campaign #WithVaccines

Sydney – Thursday 21st October 2021 – Sanofi Pasteur has launched a new multi-year campaign to support a growing conversation about the value and importance of vaccines.

With Vaccines ( will provide information, for a range of audiences, about vaccines and vaccine technology while celebrating the fact that ongoing vaccination is a crucial cornerstone in keeping our communities healthy at every stage of life.

Sanofi Pasteur ANZ General Manager, Regis Launay, said: “The value and importance of vaccines access has never been more apparent, nor has the support of the Australian community to invest in vaccines as an important public health initiative.”

“With Vaccines recognises that the vast majority of Australians are supportive of vaccines, but some may want to know more about how they work, their safety, and the rigorous quality standards that underpin their development. This campaign will also explain why Australia should continue to invest in new vaccines that offer protection against a range of diseases,” he said.

“The future of vaccines has never been more promising, with innovation pointing the way to new vaccines, improvements to existing vaccines, reduced production times, bespoke vaccines for specific patients and age groups, and greater vaccine firepower against current and future pandemics,”2-4 said Mr Launay.

“It is critical that Australia keeps pace with the vaccine revolution to ensure that new and improved vaccines are made available throughout life to not only help protect good health, but also the freedoms, lifestyle and prosperity we all value.”

“As a leader in vaccines, Sanofi Pasteur has a responsibility to raise awareness, communicate and support public understanding of the importance of vaccines.”

Sanofi Pasteur invests around $1 billion every year in the company’s vaccine pipeline and is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of vaccines.6 Sanofi Pasteur, in partnership with GSK, is developing a COVID-19 vaccine based on adjuvanted recombinant protein technology. The company is also using its large manufacturing capabilities to assist in the mass production of COVID-19 vaccines for Pfizer-BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna.7

In Australia, Sanofi Pasteur will deliver almost 9 million doses of 15 different vaccines this year to help protect Australians against diseases ranging from influenza and whooping cough to meningococcal disease.8

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Last Updated: 20-Oct-2021