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Sustainable Pharmaceutical Packaging is Riding the Wave of Growth

What is pharmaceutical packaging and why it is important?

Pharmaceutical packaging refers to the packaging of medications and other healthcare products. Pharmaceutical packaging is essential to protect and preserve the quality and safety of medications and other healthcare products. It also plays a critical role in ensuring patient safety and preventing errors. Packaging must meet regulatory requirements and be easy for patients to use. In addition, packaging plays a role in the marketing and branding of pharmaceutical products.

Pharmaceutical packaging can take many forms, including bottles, blister packs, pouches, sachets, and containers. The type of packaging used will depend on the product and its intended use. In addition to protecting and preserving the product, pharmaceutical packaging also plays a role in the marketing and branding of the product.

Traditional packaging often relies on non-renewable resources, such as plastic, which are non-biodegradable and even cannot be recycled, which contribute to pollution and resource depletion. Infact According to Forbes pharmaceutical industry emits 55% more CO2 than the automotive industry and pharmaceutical packaging play crucial role in this.  Due to these major factors, there is a need for a solution - Sustainable pharmaceutical packaging refers to packaging for medications and other healthcare products that is environmentally friendly and reduces waste.

What are the main advantages of sustainable pharmaceutical packaging over conventional packaging? 
  1. Reduced environmental impact

One of the main advantages of sustainable packaging is that it has a lower environmental impact than traditional packaging. Sustainable packaging uses recycled or biodegradable materials, which reduces the demand for virgin resources and generates less waste. For example, using recycled paper or cardboard for packaging reduces the demand for trees, while using biodegradable materials such as corn starch reduces the amount of non-biodegradable waste. In contrast, traditional packaging often relies on non-renewable resources, such as plastic, which contribute to pollution and resource depletion. The production of plastic, in particular, generates greenhouse gases and consumes large amounts of energy.

For instance, Pfizer has introduced packaging made from 100% recycled paper and has reduced the amount of packaging material used in its products.

  1. Better resource conservation

Sustainable packaging helps to conserve resources by reducing the demand for virgin materials and promoting the use of recycled materials. This is particularly important as many of the resources used in traditional packaging, such as oil, are non-renewable and are being depleted at an unsustainable rate. By using recycled materials, companies can reduce their reliance on these finite resources and help to preserve them for future generations. In addition, using biodegradable materials can help to reduce the demand for synthetic materials, which are often made from non-renewable resources.

For instance, Johnson & Johnson started using recycled materials in packaging and the implementation of recycling programs for packaging materials to reduce its environmental footprint.

  1. Cost savings

Sustainable packaging can be more cost-effective in the long run due to reduced resource consumption and waste. For example, using recycled materials can reduce the cost of raw materials, and reducing packaging material can reduce shipping and storage costs. In addition, implementing recycling programs for packaging materials can help to further reduce costs. Companies can save money by reducing the amount of waste they generate and by taking advantage of recycling programs and incentives.

For instance, AstraZeneca has introduced packaging made from recycled plastic and has implemented a program to recycle its packaging materials to reduce waste and increase the use of recycled materials.

  1. Improved brand reputation

Companies that prioritize sustainability in their packaging can improve their brand reputation and appeal to consumers who are environmentally conscious. This can be particularly important in the pharmaceutical industry, where consumers are increasingly looking for companies that align with their values. By demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, companies can differentiate themselves from their competitors and build trust with consumers.

  1. Enhanced patient safety:

Sustainable packaging can also improve patient safety by reducing the risk of errors and accidents. For example, packaging that is easy to open and use can reduce the risk of incorrect dosing, and packaging that is designed to prevent contamination can reduce the risk of adverse reactions. In addition, sustainable packaging can help to reduce the risk of medication errors by using clear, easy-to-read labels and tamper-evident features.

  1. Ease of use/ Increase convenience

Sustainable packaging can also be more convenient for patients to use, particularly for those with disabilities. For example, packaging that is easy to open and handle can be particularly helpful for older patients or those with mobility issues. By designing packaging with accessibility in mind, companies can improve the patient experience and ensure that medications are used safely and effectively.

  1. Regulatory compliant

Sustainable packaging can also meet all relevant regulatory requirements, such as those related to labelling and safety. In some cases, sustainable packaging may even go beyond regulatory requirements to provide additional benefits, such as improved patient safety or convenience. By using sustainable packaging, companies can ensure that they are in compliance with regulations and can avoid potential fines or other penalties.

Overall, sustainable pharmaceutical packaging offers numerous advantages over traditional packaging in terms of environmental impact, resource conservation, cost savings, brand reputation, patient safety, ease of use, and regulatory compliance. By embracing sustainability in their packaging, companies can differentiate themselves from their competitors, improve their brand reputation, and contribute to the overall sustainability of the healthcare industry.

What are major regulations forcing pharmaceutical companies to adopt sustainable packaging?

Following are some major regulations and guidelines aim to promote the use of sustainable packaging materials and practices in the pharmaceutical industry, in order to reduce the environmental impact of packaging and improve its sustainability:

  1. The Basel Convention: This international treaty regulates the movement of hazardous waste, including packaging waste, between countries. The Convention aims to prevent the illegal trade in hazardous waste and to promote the environmentally sound management of such waste.
  2. The European Union Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive: This directive sets out the framework for the management of packaging and packaging waste in the European Union. It aims to reduce the environmental impact of packaging and to encourage the use of more sustainable packaging materials.
  3. The United States Federal Drug Administration (FDA) Guidelines for Environmentally Acceptable Packaging: The FDA has issued guidelines for environmentally acceptable packaging for pharmaceutical products. These guidelines recommend the use of recycled materials, reduction of packaging material, and the use of packaging that is easy to recycle.
  4. The Sustainable Packaging Coalition: The Sustainable Packaging Coalition is a group of companies and organizations that promotes sustainable packaging solutions. The Coalition has developed a set of guidelines for sustainable packaging, which includes recommendations for reducing waste and increasing the use of recycled materials.
What are the major trends in the sustainable pharmaceutical packaging?

More choices in sustainable packaging materials

Materials continue to move toward broader sustainable options, including: Biodegradable substrates, Bioderived plastics, Recycled materials, and Monomaterial constructions.

Use of Biodegradable substrate:

The adoption of biodegradable pharmaceutical packaging is growing due to increasing environmental concerns, resource conservation, cost savings, and brand reputation. Biodegradable materials, such as corn starch, paper, cardboard, and bamboo, can be broken down by natural processes and do not contribute to pollution and therefore seen as a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional materials, such as plastic.

In addition, biodegradable packaging can be more cost-effective in the long run due to reduced resource consumption and waste. By using biodegradable packaging, companies can improve their brand reputation and appeal to consumers who are environmentally conscious. By demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, companies can differentiate themselves from their competitors and build trust with consumers.

From a technological perspective, the adoption of biodegradable pharmaceutical packaging is driven by advances in materials science and manufacturing processes. For example, new biodegradable materials, such as bioplastics made from plant-based materials, are being developed that have improved performance and are more suitable for use in pharmaceutical packaging. In addition, new manufacturing processes, such as injection molding, are being developed that can produce biodegradable packaging more efficiently and at lower cost. Overall, these technological advancements are helping to make biodegradable pharmaceutical packaging more viable and attractive to companies.

Sustainable Pharmaceutical Packaging is Riding the Wave of Growth

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Last Updated: 03-Feb-2023