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Press Releases - 2024-01-02

Date Title Company
04-Jan-2024 InVivo Biosystems Secures New Investment to Accelerate CRISPR Innovation InVivo Biosystems
04-Jan-2024 Vicore Confirms IPF Development Program on Track and Provides Early-Stage Pipeline Updates Vicore Pharma Holding AB
04-Jan-2024 The England areas with the longest distance to GP services Journo Research
04-Jan-2024 Newron completes enrollment of schizophrenia patients in potentially pivotal study 008A with Evenamide Newron Pharmaceuticals
02-Jan-2024 Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. Receives Conditional Approval to List on the TSX Venture Exchange AccessWire
02-Jan-2024 Cloud DX Signs Contract with Health PEI to Provide Remote Patient Monitoring AccessWire
02-Jan-2024 Arrigo Medical Devices to Showcase Innovations at the 77th PostGraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology in New York AccessWire
02-Jan-2024 Swedish innovation evaluated for clinical diagnosis of pediatric leukemia Qlucore
02-Jan-2024 MRES: M2MMA Gears Up for a Landmark Year in 2024 AccessWire
02-Jan-2024 Extremity Reconstruction Market Anticipated to Surpass $6.5 Billion by 2030 The Wire Times
02-Jan-2024 Remote Patient Monitoring Set to Surge, Anticipated $8.5 Billion Market by 2031 with a Remarkable 16.3% CAGR from 2022 Onwards The Wire Times
02-Jan-2024 MRI Systems Market Set to Surge, Anticipated to Hit $8.3 Billion by 2027, Fueled by Escalating Demand for Cutting-Edge Medical Imaging Technologies The Wire Times
02-Jan-2024 1933 Industries Reports First Quarter 2024 Financials and Announces the Issuance of New Debenture AccessWire
02-Jan-2024 A Deep Dive into the Atrial Fibrillation Market’s Soaring Projection to $3,370.70 Million by 2030 with a Steady 6.4% CAGR Unveiled in Latest Report The Wire Times
02-Jan-2024 Anticipating a Surge to $41.9 Billion in the Interventional Cardiology and Peripheral Vascular Devices Market by 2030 The Wire Times
02-Jan-2024 Ainos Regains Compliance with Nasdaq Minimum Bid Price Requirement AccessWire
02-Jan-2024 Asthma and COPD Drugs Market Projected Surge to US$ 52.05 Billion by 2030 The Wire Times
02-Jan-2024 NovAccess Global Announces $10.7 Million Financing AccessWire
02-Jan-2024 Catheter Precision, Inc. (VTAK) Receives Additional Patents for LockeT in Great Britain and the European Market AccessWire
02-Jan-2024 Metabolomics Market Growing at a CAGR of 14.9% Say, Roots Analysis rootsanalysis