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Servier Executive Committee appointments

Servier Executive Committee appointments

Suresnes (France), April 17, 2024 – Servier, an independent international pharmaceutical group, announces the following appointments to the Group's Executive Committee:

·    Charlotte Marmousez-Tartar as Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy & Transformation

·    Hani Friedman Bouganim as Executive Vice President, Manufacturing, Quality & Supply Chain.

Previously Head of the Group Transformation & Programs Office, Charlotte Marmousez-Tartar is promoted to the position of Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Transformation. She joined the Executive Committee on February 1, 2024, succeeding Siham Imani. Her role is to supervise and manage the Group's transformation strategy as part of its Servier 2030 plan. Charlotte Marmousez-Tartar also ensures coordination between the Group and the Supervisory Board in order to facilitate the Supervisory Board's mission of monitoring the independence and sustainability of the Group.

Previously Deputy Vice-President, Industrial Operations at Servier, Hani Friedman Bouganim is appointed Executive Vice-President, Manufacturing, Quality and Supply Chain for the Group and succeeds Pierre Venesque. She joins the Group's Executive Committee as of April 16. Hani Friedman Bouganim's role will be to lead the transformation of the Manufacturing, Quality and Supply Chain activities of the Servier group as part of its Servier 2030 strategy.


Charlotte Marmousez-Tartar

Charlotte Marmousez-Tartar began her career at Servier in 2006, as Global Competitive Project Manager, where she held positions in marketing and strategic intelligence. She then joined the Servier subsidiary in Singapore in 2011 on the marketing and sales teams. In 2015, Charlotte was appointed Director of Strategic Development, in charge of promoting R&D and Business Development projects and management of the 10-year strategic plan. In 2017, she joined the Corporate Strategy Department, where she successively held the positions of Director of Strategic Projects, then Director of Strategic Planning. In 2021, Charlotte Marmousez-Tartar was appointed Head of Group Transformation & Programs Office. Since 2019, she has also been Secretary of the Servier group Executive Committee.

Aged 42 years, Charlotte Marmousez-Tartar holds a Doctorate in pharmacy from the Lille 2 University of Science and Technology. She also graduated from HEC Paris with a Master's degree in Marketing Intelligence.

Hani Friedman Bouganim

Before joining Servier in 2022, Hani Friedman Bouganim worked for 16 years at Teva Pharmaceuticals. She was notably Vice President of Operations and General Manager of the Ulm and Weiler sites at Teva Germany from 2021 to 2022. From 2018 to 2021, she was responsible for three pharmaceutical sites in Krakow (Poland), Troyan (Bulgaria) and Baldoyle (Ireland). She also led Respiratory Operations in Jerusalem from 2015 to 2017 and the Manufacturing, Science, and Technology department for oral solid dosage and multi-dose dry powder inhaler sites from 2011 to 2015.

Aged 42 years, Hani Friedman Bouganim holds a bachelor's degree in biotechnology engineering as well as an MBA from Ben-Gurion University.


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À propos de Servier

Fondé pour servir la santé, Servier est un groupe pharmaceutique international gouverné par une Fondation, qui aspire à avoir un impact sociétal significatif pour les patients et pour un monde durable. Son modèle unique de gouvernance lui permet de servir pleinement sa vocation avec une vision à long terme : être engagé pour le progrès thérapeutique au bénéfice des patients. Les 21 900 collaborateurs qui composent le Groupe sont engagés autour de cette vocation commune, source d’inspiration au quotidien.

Leader mondial en cardiologie, Servier a pour ambition de devenir un acteur reconnu, focalisé et innovant en oncologie en ciblant des cancers difficiles à traiter. C’est pourquoi le Groupe consacre près de 70 % de son budget de R&D au développement de thérapies ciblées et innovantes en oncologie. Les neurosciences et les maladies immuno-inflammatoires constituent un futur relais de croissance. Dans ces domaines, Servier se focalise sur un nombre restreint de pathologies spécifiques dans lesquelles une caractérisation précise des patients permet de proposer une réponse thérapeutique ciblée, grâce à la médecine de précision. Pour favoriser l’accès à des soins de qualité pour tous, et à moindre coût, le Groupe propose également une offre de médicaments génériques couvrant la majorité des pathologies, en s’appuyant sur des marques fortes en France, en Europe de l’Est, au Brésil et au Nigeria.

Dans tous ces domaines, le Groupe intègre la voix du patient à chaque étape du cycle de vie du médicament. Servier, dont le siège social est basé en France, s’appuie sur une solide implantation géographique avec des médicaments distribués dans plus de 150 pays et a réalisé, en 2023, un chiffre d’affaires de 5,3 milliards d’euros.

Plus d’informations sur le nouveau site du Groupe : 

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Last Updated: 18-Apr-2024