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First pharma signatory of the Pitch Positive Pledge!

The PM Society is pleased to announce that Consilient Health is the first pharma company in the UK to sign the Pitch Positive Pledge!

The Pitch Positive Pledge was made to improve the process of pitching for both clients and agencies. Signing the pledge involves committing to:

  • Be positive a pitch is required.
  • Run a positive pitch.
  • Provide a positive resolution.

The full details on what these commitments mean can be found on the positive pitch pledge website.

The Positive Pitch Pledge team and The PM Society have been working behind the scenes to gain the first pharma organisations signature on the pledge, joining many other well-known brands such as Barclays, Crown Commercial Service, Nestle, Havas and many more.

Consilient Health committed to the pledge following a successful win of the PM Society Positive Pitch Award.

Vinaya Sethi, Senior Brand Manager Prescription Medicine at Consilient Health, tells us why they signed the pitch and how this aligns with their work: “Consilient Health proudly embraces the Positive Pitch Pledge, aligning with our commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. To ensure consistency across the business we plan regular “best practice” meetings where successes and learnings can be shared.”

PM Society Director, Rachel Farrow, said “The PM Society has been working for over two years to get interest from pharmaceutical companies in signing the pledge. Consilient Health’s decision to join the signatories is a big step in the right direction and hopefully just the start”.

Consilient Health signing the pitch is just the start to hopefully further signatories and a commitment to better pitching within the industry.

More information on the Pitch Positive Pledge can be found at:

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Last Updated: 20-May-2024