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NowPatient Expands Services with Pharmacogenetics Testing Deals in the US and Germany

London, UK, and New York, US – May 28, 2024 – NowPatient, a leading health technology platform based in the UK and the US, today announced the signing of strategic deals with two prominent pharmacogenetics companies: Aura Genetics in the United States and Zotz Klimas in Germany. These partnerships will enable NowPatient to offer comprehensive remote pharmacogenetics testing services to users in both the United Kingdom and the United States.

The collaboration with Aura Genetics and Zotz Klimas will allow NowPatient to analyze patients' genomes for variations that are known to impact drug safety and efficacy. All analyses will be conducted in CLIA-certified laboratories, ensuring the highest standards of quality and reliability.

With these new services, NowPatient aims to bring cost-effective genetic screening into remote clinical practice, empowering healthcare providers to tailor drug prescriptions to the unique genetic profiles of individual patients. This personalized approach to medicine promises to enhance treatment outcomes and reduce the risk of adverse drug reactions.

Rajive Patel, Director of Infohealth Ltd, commented on the partnerships: "We are thrilled to join forces with Aura Genetics and Zotz Klimas, two leaders in the field of pharmacogenetics. By integrating their service capabilities and our cutting-edge technology, we can offer patients and healthcare providers in the UK and US access to personalized medicine like never before. This is a significant step forward in our mission to improve health outcomes through innovative technology."

About NowPatient

NowPatient is a pioneering health technology platform operating in the UK and the US which empowers people to live their healthiest lives by transforming their healthcare experience. As a leader in whole-person virtual care, NowPatient uses proprietary health signals to drive clinical interventions that can lead to better health outcomes across the full continuum of care at every stage of a person’s health journey. NowPatient leverages more than two decades of primary care expertise and data-driven insights to meet the growing virtual care needs of consumers and healthcare professionals

Editor Details

  • Company:
    • NowPatient
  • Name:
    • NowPatient
Last Updated: 29-May-2024