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Willbe. brings groundbreaking approach to perimenopause and longevity to the PAUSE Live Event

Willbe. - Brings Groundbreaking Approach to Perimenopause and Longevity to the Pause Live Event

Imagine a world where perimenopause is not a sign of ageing but a gateway to optimal health, vitality and longevity. Willbe is making this vision a reality with a revolutionary, personalised healthcare approach tailored to each woman's unique genetic profile and lifestyle. By focusing on precision testing, Willbe is transforming how women navigate perimenopause, helping them unlock their full potential for improved health and extended health span.

For far too long, women facing perimenopause have been given generic advice -  watch your diet, exercise more, take a few supplements and, if fortunate, some may receive a prescription for a one-size-fits-all Hormone Replacement Therapy protocol. This approach fails to recognise the complexity of a woman’s hormonal ecosystem and the individualised care required to truly thrive during this critical transition.

Many women come to Willbe after years of struggling with perimenopausal symptoms, drained of energy and vitality. They've often endured long cycles of frustration and confusion due to inadequate or misinformed care.


The Willbe Method

At Willbe, the journey begins with comprehensive integrative testing, including the cutting-edge FemGene Methylation panel, the highly regarded DUTCH test, detailed blood work and a full lifestyle assessment. The often-overlooked balance between a woman’s genetics and hormone metabolism plays a key role in determining the best course of action for each woman going through perimenopause. Willbe’s thorough evaluation goes beyond traditional symptom management by understanding how a woman’s body creates, uses and clears hormones. It also compares hormone levels to optimal ranges that are crucial for preventing disease and future complications. 

What sets Willbe apart is its unique approach to bridging the gap between traditional and functional medicine. While our reports are crafted by functional medicine health practitioners trained in genetics and longevity, they are also overseen by traditional perimenopause specialists and doctors. This integration ensures that our clients receive the most comprehensive and forward-thinking care.

Precision medicine meets hormonal health

Willbe aims to cut through the noise of contradicting information about health and give women the power to understand their unique biology. By identifying the nuances of each woman’s hormone pathways through functional testing, we can develop personalised strategies for hormone balance—whether through natural methods or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Our precision biodata-driven approach, combined with our coaching programme, ensures that every woman has the tools to make informed choices about her health and well-being.

Yulia Mintchin, founder and CEO of Willbe, emphasises, “We often see that many women have been given the misconception that testing for perimenopause is pointless because it will not give useful information. This belief is a huge deception. The purpose of testing is not to diagnose perimenopause, it is to go beyond symptoms and investigate root causes which can cause problems later in life. What can be measured can be improved. That's why we believe every woman going through perimenopause should undergo comprehensive testing to avoid common pitfalls and experience real, tangible results within weeks.”

Empowerment through longevity

At Willbe, we change the traditional perception of ageing and focus on longevity and vitality. With all the data comprehensively analyzed, the key areas to focus on are identified - whether it is bone health, brain health or metabolic health. Knowing which areas are suboptimal empowers women to optimize them with precision, ensuring their efforts are focused on the right area. 

The time has come to take the first step towards transforming perimenopause into a path to longevity because you are the sole creator of your life, and you deserve the opportunity to thrive, not just to survive. 

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    • pharmiweb
Last Updated: 11-Sep-2024