- Global Pharma News & Resources


Kath Ryan of Ventiv Health talks to PharmiWeb about the gradual change in the nature of the Medical Sales Rep role and the importance of demonstrating that you are adding value to customers.
What's your background in the industry? I have worked in Pharmaceutical Sales Recruitment for over 6 years. What can your company do for candidates that others can't? We always view the recruitment process as a 2-way thing. It is not just about what you can tell us but what we can tell you and how we can help you. What do you look for first in a candidate for a Medical Sales Rep position? Motivation Is a qualification in a Life Sciences subject a pre-requisite? No, just as long as you have the ability and motivation to learn the product and disease area knowledge. We are more interested in you hav…
You’re looking forward to flopping on the beach and soaking up the sun - the last thing you want to hear is that you’re heading for a potential danger-zone. But because you could be exposed to dangero
You’re looking forward to flopping on the beach and soaking up the sun - the last thing you want to hear is that you’re heading for a potential danger-zone. But because you could be exposed to dangerous UV radiation, contaminated water and even venomous jelly-fish, here’s all you need to know to stay healthy The Sun At least 40,000 new cases of skin cancer are reported each year in Britain and the most serious form, malignant melanoma, claims the lives of over 1500 people. This makes sunscreen a must for any beach bum. ‘We always recommend that people apply Factor 15+ sunscreen as a matter of…
Often descibed as 'the modern disease', stress is believed to be an underlying reason behind seven out of ten trips to GPs and in a recent survey it was claimed that an astonishing nine out of ten peo
Stress Often descibed as 'the modern disease', stress is believed to be an underlying reason behind seven out of ten trips to GPs and in a recent survey it was claimed that an astonishing nine out of ten people in full time work felt that they were under stress. But why should this be so? We live in an era of unprecedented wealth and opportunity where filely any whim that can be entertained can be achieved. Meanwhile modern medicine is capable of curing a huge amount of the ailments that plagued our ancestors, we no longer have to fear attack by woolly mammoth or even commitment to the poorhou…
National Bowel Cancer Awareness Day was last month, you probably missed it, bowel cancer is something that most people would rather not be made aware of. But it is a frightening statistic that just un
National Bowel Cancer Awareness Day was last month, you probably missed it, bowel cancer is something that most people would rather not be made aware of. But it is a frightening statistic that just under half of the population will get some form of cancer in their lifetime. Yet what is more startling is that the second biggest killer after lung cancer is bowel cancer, a disease that is a taboo subject for many because of the nature of the condition. As with all cancers it is imperative that the warning signs are detected early so effective treatment can be provided. The good news for sufferers…
Choosing a job or changing a career can be a major life transition - one that requires careful thought, planning, and work. If you are exploring new career options, you will need to ask yourself sever
Choosing a job or changing a career can be a major life transition - one that requires careful thought, planning, and work. If you are exploring new career options, you will need to ask yourself several questions: "What do I want? How will I know when I've got it? What resources do I have already that can help me achieve this outcome? How will I achieve my outcome? For this exciting journey you may want to consider the following winning habits of successful career changers." 1. Decide right now that you deserve to have any job or career for which you are willing to work toward. It may require…
James Thompson of SRG Executive is on the spot in our 'Now consulting...' feature. He talks about the importance of 'doing it now' and washing your hands.
1. What is your background in the industry? 12 years in recruitment the bulk of which has been spent in recruiting at senior management level for the bio-pharmaceuticals industry 2. What area does the company you work for specialise in? SRG Executive specialises in attracting high calibre candidates for our happy clients in the bio-pharmaceutical industry. We work in all disciplines. 3. What can your company do for candidates that others can't? It isn't so much as what others can't do but what others don't that we do. Candidates will know what I am talking about. The promises made but not kept and so on. 4. What will be the big issues i…
Tobias Rooney, Principal at Cap Gemini Ernst & Young has specialised in the Life Sciences Unit R&D sector for the past five years. He looks at the current state of e-business in the Pharmaceutical ind
Could you introduce yourself? Tobias Rooney, Life Sciences Unit at Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. I have been doing management consultancy for the past seven years and I've specialised in the R&D sector for the past five. I have been involved in European and international projects for the major pharmaceutical companies. These projects have included strategic and operational missions for clients from middle management right up to the board. What types of e-projects are happening in the Life sciences area? At CGEY we have a segmentation of the market in three layers of e-business activities…