- Global Pharma News & Resources


Which ever side of the desk you’re on you will be familiar with the principle of the trade-off between the cost of recruitment and the cost of failure to recruit the right person – never more in the spotlight than now.
A few points to consider when choosing a consultancy for either your PSL or a one-off assignment, compiled by Nigel Haigh, founder in 1989 of Haigh Recruitments Consultants, specialists in recruitment within Healthcare Communications.   What’s the Strategy?   “The management of any and all the strategies, processes, procedures and technologies that facilitates, supports or communicates the sales and marketing function with the customer, can now be identified as Customer Relationship Marketing”. What, I hear you ask, has a definition of CRM to do with the sele…
Transplantation immunotherapy commonly involves the use of azathioprine often combined with low doses of cyclosporine. Increased susceptibility to infection and severe toxicity represent serious adverse effects and a newer molecular target being investigated for the prevention of transplant rejection is Janus tyrosine kinase 3 (Jak3). Jak3 is this months "Target of the Month" from LeadDiscovery's and here they describe Pfizer's efforts to optimize inhibitors of this kinase
The global market for immunosuppressant therapy is in excess of 4 billion USD per year. This therapeutic class is used for the treatment of both autoimmune diseases (see our recent analysis of rheumatoid arthritis therapeutics) and for the prevention of organ rejection in transplantation. Since the first successful kidn…
This comprehensive one-day training offers MSLs, their managers and those interested in a better understanding of the profession an overview of what the job entails, best practices and realistic ways to incorporate them into your own job. The training will focus on the components of a successful career as a MSL, as opposed to educating on individual therapeutic types.
Field-based medical science liaisons (MSLs) play a vital role within pharmaceutical and biotechnology organizations. The variety of responsibilities they have directly affects the success of a therapeutic agent, as MSLs engage Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) for their products, help develop company marketing and educational programs, and communicate vital information to sales teams, health practitioners and clinical investigators.&…
This edition of "Emerging Drug Discovery Targets" features a potent histone deacetylase inhibitor from Norvartis for the treatment of cancer, two new approaches to metabolic disorders and VEGFR-1 as a target for rheumatoid arthritis. As usual we also provide updates on industrial advances and licensing opportunities.
  Emerging Drug Discovery Targets from LeadDiscovery 21st November 2003 to view this alert on line please go to ************************************** "Emerging Drug Discovery Targets" provides a twice monthly summary of some of the most exciting breaking information recently featured by the pharmaceutical analysts, LeadDiscovery. Information includes editorials on recently pub…
The field of histone deacetylation continues to receive considerable interest principally due to the ability of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors to produce cytostatic activity in cancer, but more recently due to the role that this class has in other indications such as autoimmune disorders. Novartis researchers have now developed a HDAC inhibitor of greater anti-proliferative potency than that of SAHA, and which almost completely blocked the growth of human colon and lung cancer xenografts
The field of histone deacetylation continues to receive considerable interest due to the ability of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors to modulate transcriptional activity. Molecules from this therapeutic class have the potential to occupy an indomitable position in the fast-moving cytostatic mark…
Pharma NewsBytes selects out what we consider as being some of the most interesting press releases to have appeared on our DailyUpdates tracking service over the past few weeks. Currently featured new items focus on development activity in the field of rheumatoid arthritis; advances in anti-hyperlipemia therapeutics; and the termination of MK-0869 development for the treatment of depression
LeadDiscovery's intelligence service, DailyUpdates has evolved as a key tool to help all in the drug development sector keep track of breaking journal articles, press releases and pharmaceutical reports. Pharma NewsBytes features selected press releases recently featured on DailyUpdates and offers the reader a leisurely stroll through the past few weeks of activity from within the pharmaceutical industry…
Personality tests are commonly at interviews to calculate your personality "Type". It is likely that you will be faced with one during your career.
Understanding about personality tests can be a big help should you have to face one and the best way to understand them is to do one. (You try one here for free. Your personality test results will reveal a range of things about you to a potential employer. Typically it will reveal your strengths, weaknesses and your preferred style of working and communicating. To begin with you will usually be asked to complete a Forced Choice Questionnaire if it is a sophisticated system. This can be an awkward thing at first as often you want to select two answers equally but the system will not let you do so. Get familia…
It is predicted that the annual value of the market for drugs used to treat autoimmune disease will exceed $20 billion in the next few years. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the more common and difficult to treat autoimmune diseases and there is a great deal of interest in the discovery of novel drugs to treat this condition. This comprehensive report evaluates breaking drug discovery targets and therapeutic candidates for the treatment of this disease
The autoimmune diseases are receiving increasing attention in the pharmaceutical industry as progress is made in the understanding of immune and inflammatory processes. It is predicted that the annual value of the market for drugs used to treat autoimmune disease will exceed $20 billion in the next few years. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of th…
Emerging Drug Discovery Targets" provides a twice monthly summary of some of the most exciting breaking information recently featured by the pharmaceutical analysts, LeadDiscovery. This edition of features data highlighting technology for improved wound healing; a new candidate asthma treatment; a novel approach to diabetes and combination therapy offering improved radiotherapy responsiveness. As usual we also provide updates on industrial advances and licensing opportunities.
"Emerging Drug Discovery Targets" provides a twice monthly summary of some of the most exciting breaking information recently featured by the pharmaceutical analysts, LeadDiscovery. Information includes editorials on recently published journal articles, selected press releases and "intelligence reports". Our target au…
Pharma NewsBytes is LeadDiscovery’s selection of recent press releases for the drug development. Currently featured news items include those announcing promising clinical data for Antigenics' pancreatic cancer Oncophage vaccine; FDA backing for Forest's new Alzheimer's disease drug, Memantine; early figures on the sale of AstraZeneca's anti-cholerstremic drug Crestor; and FDA approval of Pfizer's potential blockbuster, Inspira for the treatment of congestive heart failure
LeadDiscovery's intelligence service, DailyUpdates has evolved as a key tool to help all in the drug development sector keep track of breaking journal articles, press releases and pharmaceutical reports. Pharma NewsBytes features selected press releases recently featured on DailyUpdates and offers the reader a leisurely st…
Worldwide, 95 million people suffer from wounds that result in tissue loss. Wound healing problems extend hospital stays, especially in the elderly, resulting in an additional $1.5 billion in healthcare costs in the US alone. LeadDiscovery’s current target of the month focuses on connexin43, blocking of which produces a dramatic improvement in wound healing. In this feature we also describe how antisense technology has been applied to develop a licensing opportunity in this area
Worldwide, an estimated 95 million people suffer from wounds that result in tissue loss. While acute wounds heal uneventfully, chronic wounds such as ulcers do not and often persist for months or years. In the case of the elderly, average hospital stays are increased by at least one week, resulting in an additional…
"Emerging Drug Discovery Targets" summarizes the most exciting breaking information recently featured by the pharmaceutical analysts, LeadDiscovery. This edition explores recent advances in the use of siRNA technology in oncology, new molecular targets for the treatment of diabetes and advances in the development of GSK-3 inhibitors. Recent preselected press releases are also highlighted and as usual new licensing opportunities, breaking publications and new industry reports are all identified.
"Emerging Drug Discovery Targets" provides a twice monthly summary of some of the most exciting breaking information recently featured by the pharmaceutical analysts, LeadDiscovery. Information includes editorials on recently published journal articles, selected press releases and "intelligence repor…
Proof of concept studies have accumulated supporting the targeting of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) for the treatment of diabetes and CNS conditions. Now inhibitors are emerging as therapeutic candidates
Since the mid-1990s there has been a near exponential rise in the level of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) related research. Consequently the therapeutic potential of GSK-3 inhibitors has become a major area of pharmaceutical interest. To mark this surge in interest, LeadDiscovery have recently produced a full report "Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) inhibitors:Proof of concept and therapeutic opportunities for the treatment of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, stroke & bipolar disorders" (click here for access). The inhibition of GSK-3 offers considerable potential for the treat…
"Ghrelin: Pharmaceutical & Therapeutic Opportunities for the Treatment of Obesity" represents a cutting edge analysis of why and how ghrelin should be targeted for the identification of new therapies for obesity
lt is estimated that somewhere between 34 and 61 million people in the US are obese and in much of the developing world this incidence is increasing by about 1% per year. As a general guide, obesity increases the likelihood of death from all causes by 20%, and plays a major role in the development of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and gall bladder disease. Following the withdrawal of early treatments, the market for anti-obesity pharmaceuticals was reestablished in November 1997, when the FDA approved Abbott's sibutramine (Reductil/Meridia), for use in obesity, and still f…
‘Drug Rep Success’ is the most complete of the numerous books published in the last 18 months or so that purport to offer guidance to the wannabe Medical Sales Rep and enhance the productivity of the established rep.
Alex Anderson’s ‘Drug Rep Success’ Every morning here at Pharmiweb Towers, as the dawn breaks over the rolling fields of glamorous Bracknell, it is with dismay that the editorial inbox is opened to reveal several hundred unsolicited e-mails. A scene that perhaps all office bound workers who have never been to Bracknell can associate with but on opening with a sigh the first of these mails the experience of the average Pharmiweb editor suddenly veers from the norm and enters a parallel universe where deleting opportunities to exploit the financial prescience of widowed Nigeria…
Pharmiweb's first online recruitment training day saw a group of seasoned recruiters and HR professionals studying and workshopping ideas for more effective online recruitment in a one day session.
Introduction – Vincent LodyFocusing on making the case for online recruitment, this could be seen as preaching to the converted but there are myths that need dispelling. Case studies from Carlsberg-Tetley and Asda were employed to illustrate how seriously online recruitment is now taken by major companies and a recent survey from was used to address the myths that surround the practice, including the following: - The market is stalling - Users are trendy techies - Users are junior, young employees - Users dislike interacting via e-mail - Users don’t apply to…
The medical community is quickly evolving its understanding of menopause. Following the abrupt, early halt to the HRT portion of the Women's Health Initiative last July, due to findings that Hormone Replacement Therapy's risks outweighed its benefits, headlines now read
The medical community is quickly evolving its understanding of menopause. Following the abrupt, early halt to the HRT portion of the Women's Health Initiative last July, due to findings that Hormone Replacement Therapy's risks outweighed its benefits, headlines now read "Menopause is not a disease, but a normal part of life." Hormone "replacement" therapy (HRT) has become simply hormone "therapy" (HT) in recognition of the fact that replacing estrogen is not natural and brings dangerous side-effects, rather than the fountai…
Tim Taylor, Chief Business Development Officer at McLaren, looks at the role that IT can play in the improvement of process automation and control to positively benefit business strategies. An effective information management strategy can support companies, rather than hamper them, enabling them to build an organisation and systems that can manage extended global business applications in a compliant and efficient fashion.
Tim Taylor, Chief Business Development Officer at McLaren, looks at the role that IT can play in the improvement of process automation and control to positively benefit business strategies. An effective information management strategy can support companies, rather than hamper them, enabling them to build an organisation and systems that can manage extended global business…
Research towards the development of ion channel modulators is booming. One exciting target is the Kv1.3 voltage activated potassium channel. Expressed by human T lymphocytes Kv1.3 is involved in proliferation and cytokine secretion. Animal studies have established Kv1.3 as a target for the unmet multiple sclerosis (MS) market. Further key proof of concept data has now emerged demonstrating the selective expression of this channel in myelin-reactive effector memory T cells from MS patients
Target of the Month, (from TherapeuticAdvances, August, 2003): As research into ion channels continues to identify novel targets for multiple and diverse diseases, therapeutic successes surrounding the development of channel modulators will boom (for a full overview of this area, Click here to access Ion…
Pharma NewsBytes is LeadDiscovery's summary of news items released from the pharmaceutical and biotech sector over the previous two weeks. This week we feature the FDA's backing of the statin, Crestor; a new agreement based on the development of HDAC inhibitors which could leed to imporved cancer therapeutics; a novel and highly promising approach to metabolic disease announced by Roche; emerging clinical data on what appears to be an effective treatment of primary liver cancer and more.....
LeadDiscovery's intelligence service, DailyUpdates has evolved as a key tool to help all in the drug development sector keep track of breaking journal articles, press releases and pharmaceutical reports. Pharma NewsBytes features selected press releases recently featured on DailyUpdates and offers the…