- Global Pharma News & Resources


Is GSK a thrusting new pharma co or an ageing dinosaur? Pfast Forward went to the UK HQ to find out.
HAVING BEEN INVITED to the UK Pharma headquarters for GlaxoSmithKline, Pfast Forward thought it appropriate to gather the industry’s general perceptions about the new organisation. Taking the scientific approach of asking the opinion of friends and colleagues, two distinct camps formed. On one side I listened to views, which likened the new company to the thoughts a parent may have over their two-year-old child, namely a mixture of excitement, pride and with most of the teething problems over, rewarding. The alternative opinion painted the company as too large, dependent upon patent expiring crutches and only capable of paying lip service to modernising. To be honest I was in camp two but ke…
Despite significant initial interest in angiogenesis inhibitors, they have failed to live up to expectations and are yet to be approved by the FDA for cancer treatment. However, there are a number of
Despite significant initial interest in angiogenesis inhibitors, they have failed to live up to expectations and are yet to be approved by the FDA for cancer treatment. However, there are a number of drugs in phase III clinical trials that should finally gain US approval. Iressa and Thalomid look set to demonstrate the potential of the angiogenesis inhibitor class and possibly reap the reward. As a result of the 1970s discovery that angiogenesis is implicated in tumor growth, anti-antigenic, designed to block the formation of new blood vessels thereby 'starving' the tumor's supply of oxygen…
Lets have a look at the healthcare market and some of the things that are changing within it and then assess the impact of the changes on companies’ ability to achieve effective recruitment.
The world is changing. Recruitment in healthcare is moving into new, uncharted areas. Everyone will have to learn techniques to be able to recruit in the new labour market place. Just how true are these [recently] frequently heard remarks and will we all have to do new things and learn new techniques? Lets have a look at the healthcare market and some of the things that are changing within it and then assess the impact of the changes on companies’ ability to achieve effective recruitment. There is now doubt that the number of companies operating in the sector is going down as mergers/acquisitions c…
PiR Group has released the essential guide to Qualified Persons (QP) salary and benefits - The 2002 QP Salary Survey & Report. The data reveals that there is no longer a 'north/south divide' but more
PiR has today released its essential guide to Qualified Persons (QP) salaries and benefits – The QP Salary Survey and Report.This is a must-have reference work for employers including all HR professionals, recruitment consultants and industry commentators, as well as employees in the pharmaceutical sector. It is the eagerly-awaited sequel to the ground-breaking survey first carried out by PiR in 1999. The data reveals that there is no longer a ‘north/south divide’ but more of an ‘Eire and Northern Ireland inflation’, with large increases being offered in basic salary to Permanent Provision Q…
Your relationship with recruitment agencies and consultants is of critical importance if you are to quickly secure employment. This article will help you to better understand the dynamics of this rela
Your relationship with recruitment agencies and consultants is of critical importance if you are to quickly secure employment. This article will help you to better understand the dynamics of this relationship and how to ensure that your job search activities are geared to your best advantage.Without doubt, the vast majority of individuals who successfully secure a sales career within the UK Pharmaceutical Industry, do so via a specialist recruitment agency. Such agencies act as recruitment consultants to both you - the candidate and to their 'client companies' i.e. your potential future employ…
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most highly R&D-intensive industries, more so than the electronics, communications, and aerospace industries. The industry faces a continuing challenge in emp
A high performance industry US pharmaceutical companies are the leading companies in the global pharmaceutical industry and this is expected to continue in the future 1. The ability to invest substantially in R&D is critical to a company’s future growth potential. With the advantage of having the lion’s share of the best-selling products, US companies are in a better position to spend more on R&D than their European and Japanese rivals. In 2001, the US pharmaceutical industry invested more than $30 billion in 2001 in discovering and developing new medicines 2. This high level of R&…
You could spend days trawling through the situations vacant, ringing and writing to prospective employers “on spec” and buying numerous beers for your buddies in return for their “putting a good word
You’re getting itchy feet. It’s time to move your career onwards and hopefully upwards. But where to start? You could spend days trawling through the situations vacant, ringing and writing to prospective employers “on spec” and buying numerous beers for your buddies in return for their “putting a good word in” with their Manager or Company. But since a large percentage of vacant positions are never advertised, you could be missing that perfect job. HR departments are swamped with speculative applications and all too often it is difficult for them to retrieve your details at a later dat…
Mental disorders affect 44.3 million Americans in a given year. According to analysts the current global CNS therapeutics market is estimated at $40-55 billion, accounting for around 15% of the total
Mental disorders affect 44.3 million Americans in a given year. According to analysts the current global CNS therapeutics market is estimated at $40-55 billion, accounting for around 15% of the total global pharmaceuticals market. From a geographical perspective, the US accounts for about two-thirds of this revenue. Affective disorders (including depression) and anxiety are amongst the 10 leading causes of disability in the US and other developed countries, affecting 9.5% and 15% of the US population respectively. Antidepressants, which are also used for the treatment of anxiety, are largely l…
In March, 1998, Pfizer launched sildenafil (Viagra) for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. This move had an explosive effect on Pfizer's financial figures. More generally, this pharmaceutical mile
In March, 1998, Pfizer launched sildenafil (Viagra) for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. This move had an explosive effect on Pfizer's financial figures. More generally, this pharmaceutical milestone changed public awareness of erectile dysfunction and boosted basic research activity relating to improved understanding and treatment of this problem. Just over 4 years later LeadDiscovery has produced a state of the art analysis of sexual dysfunction. Despite the success of sildenafil, blockbuster opportunities still exist, both for improved treatment of erectile dysfunction using 2nd gener…
The day of your interview for your dream job has finally dawned. You’ve researched the role and the organisation, prepared your examples of skill and competency and polished your shoes!
The day of your interview for your dream job has finally dawned. You’ve researched the role and the organisation, prepared your examples of skill and competency and polished your shoes! Now it’s here and should be feeling enthusiastic and raring to go! But are you….? 1. Combating Nerves If you are feeling nervous, remind yourself just why you think you are right for this job anyway. Do you have the knowledge to do the job? Do you have the skills to do the job? If the answer is yes, then there is no need to feel nervous. Before you set off, relax with a final cup of tea and run through in your mi…
Well, you’ve done it – you’ve been selected for the all-important interview for your dream job in the pharmaceutical industry! But does the thought of it fill you with adrenaline and a sense of chall
Well, you’ve done it – you’ve been selected for the all-important interview for your dream job in the pharmaceutical industry! But does the thought of it fill you with adrenaline and a sense of challenge or fear and a sense of nausea?! The key to successful interviewing is in the planning - read on to ensure successful interviews – every time!! 1. What exactly are you being interviewed for? The first step is to ensure that you fully research both the role and the organisation. Ask yourself the following questions: Do you fully understand the nature of the role you are being interviewe…
Nurse teams are becoming ever more prominent in the sales and marketing plans of pharmaceutical companies. Nurses can offer pharmaceutical companies a unique opportunity to deliver multiple outcomes s
For almost a decade, Ventiv Health has been at the forefront of providing nurse teams to generate significant return on investment for clients and improve clinical outcomes for patients and the NHS. Whilst the use of Ventiv nurse teams has been shown to be highly effective in achieving these goals, PharmaTimes discovers that many companies are missing out on the opportunity to maximise sales. Nurse teams are becoming ever more prominent in the sales and marketing plans of pharmaceutical companies. Nurses can offer pharmaceutical companies a unique opportunity to deliver multiple outcomes such…
Increasingly, companies are opting for a formalised, objective structure as a means to standardise the interview process. To a certain extent, this allows all candidates an equal opportunity to presen
Increasingly, companies are opting for a formalised, objective structure as a means to standardise the interview process. To a certain extent, this allows all candidates an equal opportunity to present their abilities and skills in line with the specific requirements of the position being sought. Competency based interviews focus on 'core-skills' i.e. those specific skills or behaviours that constitute success within a given role. Each competency will be assessed for a requisite amount of time (usually 20 minutes), with the interviewer asking a standard set of focused questions. The interview…
Increasingly it seems that locational flexibility may be an essential point to mention on the CV for a career-minded corporate animal in the Life Sciences sector.
Clients taking part in a recent PiR survey on the European recruitment market were using words like “geographical flexibility”, “career mobility” and one even coined the phrase “Euromobile” to describe their ideal worker of the future. What does this mean then for professionals looking for new opportunities and for businesses searching for talent in Europe? Increasingly it seems that locational flexibility may be an essential point to mention on the CV for a career-minded corporate animal in the Life Sciences sector. There is no getting away from the fact that companies are looking for a new breed of worker who will move across…
Pfizer's acquisition of Pharmacia for nearly $60 billion in stock has created the largest pharmaceutical company in the world with annual revenues of $48 billion.
Pfizer's acquisition of Pharmacia for nearly $60 billion in stock has created the largest pharmaceutical company in the world with annual revenues of $48 billion. This acquisition comes at a time when the pharmaceuticals and biotech companies are under increased scrutiny and are facing unprecedented challenges. The general public is clamoring for reduced drug prices, and the general malaise affecting corporate America has sparked a closer watch from regulatory authorities. On the other hand, most major pharmaceutical companies have become saddled with declining research productivity, directly affecting their product pipeline. Wit…
Just when we were thinking that the EU was a complete waste of money, news reached PharmiWeb Towers this week about a ground breaking plan concocted by bureaucrats in Greece to standardise all cvs/res
Just when we were thinking that the EU was a complete waste of money, news reached PharmiWeb Towers this week about a ground breaking plan concocted by bureaucrats in Greece to standardise all cvs/resumes/Zusammenfassung across the continent. The plan, which emanates from CEDEFOP,, The European centre for the Development of Vocational Training, aims to create an environment where employers in all member states can easily compare experience and training of prospective employees regardless of their country of origin in order to create a genuinely level playing field of work through…
You’ve assessed your strengths and weaknesses, set your career and life goals and prepared your CV to ensure you market yourself in the best possible way.
So, you’ve decided it’s time to move on and you are looking for a new role in the pharmaceutical industry. You’ve assessed your strengths and weaknesses, set your career and life goals and prepared your CV to ensure you market yourself in the best possible way. You may feel exhausted after all that but in fact your job search has only just begun - now you need to find out what vacancies are out there! 1. Advertisements The traditional way of searching for a suitable opening is to scour the general press and trade literature for job advertisements. Commercial roles in pharmaceutical sales and marketing are most often advertised in…
More than nine out of ten physicians say they will likely participate in online pharmaceutical drug detailing presentations in the next few months
More than nine out of ten physicians say they will likely participate in online pharmaceutical drug detailing presentations in the next few months and rate the Internet as an 'extremely positive' tool for receiving continuing education programs, according to a survey of doctors conducted by RxCentric. The findings, which were presented this week at the SG Cowen Health Care Conference in Boston, MA, underscore an increasing preference by doctors for Internet-based sales presentations and point out a significant cost savings opportunity for pharmaceutical companies in how they market new drugs. "As the number of new prescription drugs develope…
The NORAS survey is as comprehensive an attempt to assess the state of online recruitment in the UK as we currently have but still leaves much to be desired, the raw stats demonstrate that many sites
The recent publication of NORAS 2002, the first National Online Recruitment Audience Survey is a positive step forward for both recruiters and candidates alike. The survey, run by online recruitment specialist Enhance Media with the aid of several of the major generic job boards, several of the sector specific job boards and the support of ABC Electronic offers an excellent starting point from which those interested in e-cruitment can begin and, despite the self-imposed non-participation of, the result is an accurate picture of the state of online recruitment in the UK in mid-200…
The recent reporting season for the major drug developers passed without much in the way of commotion and histrionics. Their results were widely flagged beforehand but then that is the advantage of re
AstraZeneca (LSE: AZN) was the first of the big three to please with its first-quarter numbers. It reported an 18% jump in earnings to £1.3b on sales of £4.4b. GlaxoSmithKline (LSE: GSK) also pleased with its 14% hike in first-quarter earnings to £1.6b and 6% improvement in revenues to £5.1b. However the star of the show was the smallest of the three large cap medicine makers, Shire Pharmaceuticals (LSE: SHP). The company delighted with its 40% jump in earnings to £54m on sales of £169m. Down in the midcaps the full year results from former FTSE 100 company Celltech Group (LSE: CCH) were also…